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Social audit

The social audit, in a highly competitive environment, highlights two main topics:

  • It has the role of ensuring that employees work under optimum conditions to preserve human capital and thus improve productivity.
  • It has become increasingly strategic due to the emergence and development of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept which have given to this type of audit a new importance in the business.

Benefits of social audit

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    Improved working conditions for a happy, healthier, productive workforce.

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    Better decision-making support based on real-time data and knowledge management

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    Flexibility to accommodate additional subject modules to fulfill differing company requirements. These include corporate governance and business integrity practices

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    Reduction in excessive auditing and duplication (“audit fatigue”) through a community sharing program

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    Improved confidence in partnerships with suppliers through greater transparency and trust.

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    Ability to showcase progress with an achievement award

The content of the social audit

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    Child labor Forced labor Discrimination Discipline, harassment or abuse Freedom of association Employment contracts
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    Hours and wages:

    Wages and benefits Working hours
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    Health and safety :

    Health and safety Emergency preparedness Occupational injury Machine safety Safety hazards Chemical and hazardous materials Dormitory and canteen
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    Management systems :

    Systems policies and processes Documentation and records Worker participation Corrective action process

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